Powder Chutes from New Zealand recently joined the Pop Punk Radio rotation with a handful of songs including their latest single "Merchants" from their debut album. From the artist's Spotify : "Powder Chutes are a rock band from New Zealand, who were recently cherrypicked by Highly Suspect and shoe-horned onto 2 of their NZ stadium shows... as Johnny Stevens said, "this is the start of a very long friendship", and who are we to disagree! We produce fiercely original music described as having “a modern grunge feel, mixed with punk angst and hard rock", or as Johhny put it "they are the truth… they got it, they got the thing going on.” – Johnny, Highly Suspect Popular with fans of Tool, Highly Suspect, Turnstile and any intelligent energetic rock, the band is made up of Archie (drums), Clarke (guitar), Henry (vocals), and Otis (bass). There’s a groundswell of both national and international interest in Powder Chutes, and their reputa...